
Our IT journal

Can’t Create an Office 365 group

I was getting ready to create an Office 365 group for a client, using a global administrator account. However, this user had no license, and it was just to manage users. No matter what, I couldn’t create an Office 365 group from the group section.   Once you assign a temporary license to the user and log back in, it … Read More

Enabling DKIM on Office 365 for spoofing protection

DKIM (Domain Key Identified Mail) is used to detect email spoofing. The recipient validates the signature against the public key registered on the DNS for the sender. To enable DKIM on Office 365, access your portal and go to the exchange admin center. On the main screen, select “dkim”, and then select the domain you want to work on. On the … Read More

Extend the SBS grace time period

Sometimes we may need a bit more than the 21 day warning that SBS gives. The following method breaches the EULA with Microsoft and should only be used for lab environments. We will start receiving messages like “The server was shut down because it did not comply with the EULA. For more information, contact Microsoft.” This means that either the … Read More

Install the vSphere client on a Domain Controller

Sometimes, we may be in the need of installing the vSphere Client on a domain controller. You may have received a “vSphere Client cannot be installed on a Domain Controller” error by the installer. To be able to do this, you just need to open up an administrator command prompt and type the following in the same folder than the … Read More

Pressing ALT + F1 on a remote ESXi console doesn’t bring up the console prompt

Rarely when trying to access a server console via ALT + F1, the server may appear nonresponsive, however, sometimes this is just a false alarm. This is more likely happening when using a KVM device as it may send incorrect characters over. Before proceeding with this troubleshooting, please note that you need to enable console access on the host first. … Read More

Use PowerShell to post to a Slack channel with extra args

You need to create an application in Slack with incoming webhooks. Enable the application and confirm your identity. Copy that webhook. Invoke the script with system variables to post extra content for alerts, automation, escalations, etc. $message = “`n” + $args Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $payload = @{ “channel” = “#alerts”; “icon_emoji” = “:inbox_tray:”; “text” = $(Write-output “$message”); “username” = “User”; … Read More

Keep-alive script for Windows VPN connections

$ServerName = “” ##### Script Starts Here ###### foreach ($Server in $ServerName) { if (test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Count 2 -Quiet ) { write-Host “$Server is alive and Pinging ” -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host “$Server is down.” Write-Host “Disconnecting…” rasdial.exe “Woodside” /DISCONNECT Write-Host “Connecting…” rasdial.exe “Woodside” user vpnpassword } }  

Changing an IP on a backup object in Altaro Backup

On a client we changed the IP addressing on their network and we already had backups in place from Altaro. Altaro didn’t take DNS changes as the vcenter was hardcoded with its IP address. In order to keep the existing chains we needed to change the VMware vCenter IP. In order to change this, we had to download SQL lite browser. … Read More

L2TP IPSec VPN fails on Windows – Enable UDP encapsulation

Open up regedit and go to the following location HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PolicyAgent Create a DWORD32 entry, name it AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule and enter a value of 2. Save and Reboot.   You can optionally execute this command on an elevated prompt. Also reboot to apply. REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PolicyAgent /v AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f

Clean up records on Windows Server DNS using PowerShell

Create a script and execute it on your server. Set up a zone, the Windows Server running the DNS server, a date and the record type. Import-mode DNSServer $zone=”ZONE.TLD” $DNSServer=”DNSHOSTNAME” $beforedate=”12/20/2015″ $recordtype=”A” $records=Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName “$zone” -ComputerName $DNSServer | Where-Object {$_.RecordType -eq “$recordtype” -and $_.TimeStamp -lt $beforedate} Foreach ($record in $records) { # Remove the DNS record by filtering Try { … Read More